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  1. Woolly rhinoceros fossil in Tibet believed to be 3.7 million years old
  2. Pole displacement until 2012
  3. Digital Stepping in the Aurora Borealis
  4. US secret archives contain records of encounters with winged humans
  5. NASA, fantasy, and science
  6. Sticks Stones and Buried Bones
  7. The Higgs Boson - so in it's nearly out
  8. Opportunity sent you a postcard
  9. Special Effects Whiz Assembles Awesome Curiosity Landing Video
  10. Felix Baumgartner Exceeds 700mph In His Jump From Space!
  11. Does it rain on the Sun? Oh yes, coronal rain of fire. See video.
  12. Wringing out a wet wash cloth in zero gravity - video
  13. Venus, Jupiter, Mercury making rare conjunction at twilight
  14. Time Travel? Something to add?
  15. Health Canada Approves Heroin Maintenance
  16. Chemicals in marijuana 'protect nervous system' against MS
  17. Selfie, 3 angle video of Felix Baumgartner's freefall to Earth from space.
  18. Stunning time-lapse video from space combines 12,500 images
  19. Albert Einstein: Some of his wordy-words of wizdom..
  20. Wormholes are when a beam of light..