View Full Version : Horoscopes for Wednesday , December 23rd 2020

12-23-2020, 07:55 AM
CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Noel Wells, 34; Eddie Vedder, 56; Susan Lucci, 74; Harry Shearer, 77.

Happy Birthday: Relax and don't overreact. Look at the consequences before leaping into something that requires thought. Put more time and effort into personal improvement, not trying to change others. Reflect, mull over your options and do the necessary preparation to indulge in something you feel compelled to do. Take your time and do things right the first time. Change begins with you. Your numbers are 5, 13, 21, 25, 33, 38, 40.

Birthday Baby: You are energetic, outgoing and persistent. You are engaging and intelligent.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Refuse to get involved in someone's dilemma. You have enough to do without taking on responsibilities that don't belong to you. Less talk and more action will help you reach your objective and leave time to nurture a meaningful relationship. 3 stars

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Be precise, and pay close attention to detail. Don't jump into something that has too many variables that can turn negative. Leave no room for mistakes or indiscretions. Play by the rules, and walk away from those who don't. 3 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Be open to suggestions and willing to try something new, but don't engage in something that involves excessiveness. Someone you least expect will disappoint you. If you want something done, do it yourself. 4 stars

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emotions will surface, and anger will set in if you aren't careful. Take a positive approach when dealing with partners, and be willing to meet people halfway if you want to resolve issues or take care of unfinished business before year's end. 2 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Uncertainty regarding your reputation, position or status will leave you in a quandary over what to do next. When in doubt, sit tight and let things unfold naturally. Pay more attention to self-improvement, gathering information and romance. 5 stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Take the initiative, and make things happen. It's up to you to do the groundwork. Don't take risks that lead to your or someone else's ill health. Abide by the rules, and focus on what you can do, not what you can't. 3 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Be careful what you spend your money on, and protect your possessions, passwords and documents. Look at all your alternatives, and make changes that are well-thought-out and that promise a less stressful lifestyle. Romance is in the stars. 3 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You need to chill out, contemplate what's next and refuse to let others dictate what you can do. Use your imagination, consider what makes you happy and move forward with a plan that will lead to personal growth. 3 stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Reach out, touch base with people you miss and spread a little joy to the people you love. Make plans that will give you something to look forward to when the time is right. Personal improvement and romance are favored. 5 stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Keep the peace at home and when dealing with friends and relatives. It's better to observe and be objective when others decide to share opinions. Concentrate on the steps you need to take to improve your life. 2 stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Keep the momentum flowing. Refuse to let outside influences slow you down or cause uncertainty. Look for opportunities; you will meet individuals who can help you bring about positive change. A physical improvement will boost your confidence. Romance is featured. 4 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Be a leader, not a follower. Set the standard, follow your heart and do what you do best. An offer looks promising. Don't let an emotional situation stop you from taking advantage of something that has the potential to improve your life. 3 stars