View Full Version : Game time error

12-28-2020, 02:56 AM
I have been running an arcade site for a very long time and have questioned the time a member played a game to achieve the high score on many occasions.
Members reported irregular game times on a few games played by other members.
I would play a few games to see what kind of time I would get for comparison and have banned a few from my findings.
Then, a few minutes ago I tied the score to this (https://next-level-arcade.com/ibproarcade.php?&act=Arcade&do=play&gameid=44124-arctic-pong.html) game but, did not take top spot due to their time being better then mine.
I tried the game again and only went 17 seconds and the game was over and I was sent to the scores page as usual but this time it moved me to top spot for my 17 second time which was not correct.

How can I fix this from happening again on my site?

Edit: Tested the time on my site on the same game in which I took top spot with a better score, time was not a matter in it but, I let the game run for 16 seconds and the scores page showed my 16 second time as my time on my earlier score.

12-28-2020, 05:52 PM
I see..hhmmm

12-28-2020, 07:20 PM
Does my version work right for you?


12-28-2020, 10:25 PM
I don't think it is a game issue, it is a time error in ibpro.
I beat your score in above linked game in 2:46. I then played the game and died quickly. Once on the scores page my time changed on my earlier score to 12 seconds.
Once I leave and revisit scores page my time is back at 2:46.
I believe this has been a bug in ibpro for a very long time.


12-29-2020, 09:44 PM
I thought it deleted the game session when the score was submitted.

It doesnt look like it. Looking at the data base, my game_session table had 1211083 rows.