View Full Version : I GO CRAZY!! Eh please some advice, thanks in advance :D

01-09-2022, 09:16 PM

Can someone help me.

I know this isn't the right forum, but I don't know where else to post it :D

I'm going crazy.

It is important that the games also store high scores.

I had a old (very old) website with all kinds of games, but I will start again.

What I most want is a new game forum with initially only HTML5 games.

I've tried everything but I'm completely lost.

I have tried IBPprarcade but as soon as I upload a tar I get a message that the config is missing.

I tried much much more...

I prefer a simple interface for the members. Less is more :D.

Which versions should I install. Which IPS Community version with which version of IPBproarcade? So HTML5 games will work.

Do I have to edit files to let HTML5 games work? That is not a problem.

V3 Arcade is good for me too, but where can I find that.

Version where it is easy to install HTML 5 Games.

I paid on this site 5 dollar to download much games :D.

I like the way of submitting a highscore on this site.

Actually, I don't care at all which interface it will be, as long as it works with HTML5 and that you can save the highscores.

The latter is important, otherwise I don't need it.

I'm going crazy with all those versions haha. really!!!


Quadra from the Netherlands, so don't look for typos :D

01-09-2022, 09:43 PM
I have a lot of experience in php, html, databases. That's not the problem. I just want a little help on my way. I don't need an exact explanation. Hints I'm looking for :D.

01-09-2022, 10:37 PM
It all depends on what forum software you want to use.

I use vBulletin v4.2.5, edits will have to be made for any of its arcades to work with html5 games.

The only other software I would recommend, would be https://ipsproarcade.com/