View Full Version : What is orange and looks through the keyhole?

01-31-2024, 06:27 AM
What is orange and looks through the keyhole? A

What is orange and goes over the mountains?
A wanderine.

What is purple and sits at the front of the church?
A blackberry.

What is yellow, oily and and sits in the front row at church?
A pious fries.

What is green and is in the coffin?
A mortal.

What is green and wandering around Istanbul?
A g?rk.

What is colorful and runs away across the table?
An escape salad.

What is light brown and moves from piece of cake to piece of cake?
A tarzipan.

What is brown and floats in water?
A U-Bread.

What is black and white and jumps from ice floe to ice floe?
A Springuin.

What is brown and sticks to the wall?
A sticky cake.

What is light green and is in the toilet?
A pisstache.

What is red and sits on the toilet?
A toilet.

What is dark green and is in the toilet?
A cactus.

What is red and running up and down the street?
A hazelnut.

What is white and runs up and down the street?
Snow chick.

What is green and runs up and down the street?
A frog-stitute.

What is brown and wears suspenders?
A hazelnut.

What is yellow and is stamped and stamped on the side of the road?
A poststitute.

What shines and goes strange?
A bitch.

What is yellow and sliding down the slope?
A cream slide.

What is brown and goes down a snowy slope?
A snow bread.

What's brown and peeking through the bedroom window?
A clamping pin.

What is white and jumps around in the forest?
A jumpignon.

What is white and dances around the fire?
Rumple Mushrooms.

What is brown, sweet and running through the forest?
A jogging bar.

What is brown, sitting on a tree and dripping yellow?
A squirrel.

What is brown and behind bars?
A prison.

What is red, round and has a machine gun?
A Rambodie.

What is white and lies snoring on the meadow?
A sleep.

What is brown, crunchy and runs through the forest with a basket?
The breadcap.

What is brown, sticky and running around in the desert?
A caramel.

What is red, sitting in a can and playing music?
A radio.

What is green and cycling around?
A Velon.

What is orange, lowered and has a spoiler?
A manta ray.

What is yellow, crooked and floats on the water?
A swan.

What is yellow, juicy and sits in front of the TV every football game?
A Fananas.

What is orange and sadly stuck in the ground?
A cloud.

What is orange, sour and can't sit still for a minute?
A fidget.

What is hairy and fried in a pan?
Beard potatoes.

What is healthy and strong and plays the offended?
A pouty bread.

What is brown and flying through the bakery?
A shot peak.

What is next to the bed in the butcher's bedroom?
A slaughter table lamp.

What's green, sour and hiding from the police?
A vinegar villain.

What's orange, round and hiding from the police?
A little vandal.

What is green around looks through the keyhole?
A spy.

What is pink and floats in water?
A mermaid.

What is big, gray and calls from Africa?
A elephant.

What is transparent, stinks and he doesn't care?
A squirt.

What is messy and gives light?
A slut.

What is blonde and about 30 cm long?
A Fetussy.

What is yellow and flutters in the wind?
A flag.

What's green and knocking on the door?
A dumpling salad.

What is brown, very tough and flies around?
A leather mouse.

What's stupid, sweet and colorful?
A stupid bear.

What wears a tailcoat and helps around the house?
A servant schnitzel.

What is silvery, stinging and fun?
A sadistle.

What makes ?moo? and helps you get dressed?
A cow spoon.

What is square, has knobs and a speech impediment?
A Legostener.