View Full Version : How to Kill an Eel - The 12 Year Old Tommy was very curious for his age.

04-27-2024, 05:37 AM
How to Kill an Eel - The 12 Year Old
Tommy was very curious for his age. He once heard from a schoolmate that he was courting a girl. Now, of course, he asked himself how to start something like that. So he asked his mother. But instead of explaining it to him properly, she suggested that he hide behind the curtain and watch as his sister Nancy and her boyfriend Mike, who was visiting that day, did it. The next morning his mother asked him if he had learned anything. This is what she got in response:

"Nancy and Mike sat and chatted for a while. But then Mike turned off the light and the two started hugging and kissing. Nancy must have felt sick because Mike put his hand under her sweater to feel for her heart, just like Uncle Doctor always does, but Mike couldn't do it as well as the Doctor, because he seemed to have trouble finding the heart, so he fumbled around for quite a while. Then he got sick too, because they both started moaning and sighing. Since they couldn't sit anymore, they lay down on the sofa. Then Nancy got a fever, I know that for sure because she said she was incredibly hot. And then I finally realized why they were both feeling so bad.

A large eel must have crawled into Mike's pants. He jumped out and stood almost vertically. It was at least 20cm long. Honest! Anyway, Mike grabbed him so he couldn't leave. When Nancy saw the eel, she became afraid because her eyes became very big. Her mouth was wide open and she called out to the good Lord. She said it was the biggest she had ever seen. If only she knew that there are much bigger ones down in the lake! Then Nancy gained courage again. She tried to kill the eel by biting its neck. This lasted for a while and suddenly Nancy made a strange noise and let go of him again. I think the eel bit back. Then Nancy grabbed him and held him tightly while Mike pulled something like a seashell out of his pocket. He put this over the eel's head so that it could no longer bite.

Nancy lay on her back and spread her legs and Mike lay on top of her. Apparently the two wanted to crush the eel between them. But the eel fought like a madman, and Mike and Nancy moaned and groaned. They fought so hard with the eel that the sofa almost fell over. After a long time, both of them suddenly lay still. Then Mike stood up and lo and behold, the eel was dead! I know this for sure because he was hanging there completely limp with his intestines hanging out. Nancy and Mike were pretty exhausted from the fight, but they still hugged and kissed each other with joy. But then came the big shock.

The eel wasn't dead after all! He stood up again and the fight started again. He must have bitten Mike this time because he was suddenly lying on his back on the floor. Then Nancy jumped up and tried to kill the eel by sitting on it. After 40 minutes of fighting, he was finally dead. For real this time, because Mike pulled the fur over his ears and flushed it down the toilet."