View Full Version : A man wants to dress up as Adam at carnival dress up.

05-02-2024, 10:31 AM
A man wants to dress up as Adam at carnival
dress up. So he asks for a fig leaf in a shop. The saleswoman gives him a fig leaf and the man retreats to the changing room with it. After a short while he calls:
"Unfortunately the sheet is too small, don't you have a larger one?"
The saleswoman hands him a large beet leaf into the booth, but shortly afterwards he hears from the booth:
"Still too small."
The saleswoman searches for a long time and finally finds a huge rhubarb leaf, which she hands into the booth. Half a minute later the complaint comes again:
"Too small too! What should I do now?"
?I have to see that for myself,? says the saleswoman and enters the booth. She looks, swallows, is amazed and then says:
"Forget Adam - just hang your thing over your right ear and go as a gas pump!"