View Full Version : Crazy laws in the USA - cyclists

05-04-2024, 09:28 AM
Crazy laws in the USA - cyclists
In Connecticut you can be stopped by the police if you are traveling faster than 100 km/h (!) on your bike.

In Alaska, it is illegal to push moose out of a plane or get them drunk. Tourists should also know that it is illegal to look down on a moose from an airplane.

In North Carolina, only those who understand something should sing in public. If the singing brother doesn't hit the right note, he has to pay a fine.

In Florida, children are not allowed to read Harry Potter without their parents' written (!) consent because it allegedly describes un-Christian rituals.

It is advisable to carry at least a dollar in cash with you in Illinois. Otherwise, you can easily be arrested for vagrancy.

Are you planning on tying an elephant to a parking meter in Florida? Then you also have to pay the normal parking fee for it!

You can't lasso fish in Tennessee.

Danger! On Utah highways, all birds have the ?right of way.?

If you want to attend a church service in Georgia, you must bring a loaded rifle. Otherwise you will be liable to prosecution!