View Full Version : I recently went to a bookstore religious books, I saw a "Honk If You Love Jesus" bump

05-08-2024, 05:48 AM
I recently went to a bookstore
religious books, I saw a "Honk If You Love Jesus" bumper sticker.
I was in a good mood, and because I had just come from a successful church choir performance, I bought the sticker and stuck it on my car.
I'm glad I did that!
The following incident is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
I had to stop at a red light, and while I was meditating on the Lord and His goodness, the light turned green without me noticing.
It was good that someone else also loved Jesus, because if he hadn't honked, I probably never would have noticed.
I noticed that many people love Jesus!
While I was standing there, the guy behind me started honking like crazy, and he leaned out of the window of his car and yelled, "By God, forward! Forward!"
How deeply this man loved Jesus!
Everyone started honking and I leaned out the window and waved and smiled at these many believers.
I even honked several times to share in their love.
I saw another man waving at me with his middle finger extended.
I asked my son in the back seat what that meant and he said it was probably a Hawaiian good luck greeting or something.
Well, I've never met anyone from Hawaii, so I gave him the greeting back.
My son burst out laughing, obviously enjoying this religious experience too.
Some people were so caught up in the joy of the moment that they got out of their cars and came to me. I bet they wanted to know what church I attended or they just wanted to pray with me, but then I noticed the green light.
So I waved to my brothers and sisters again with a smile and drove on.
I noticed that I was the only car that made it through the intersection before it turned red again.
I was a little sad to leave these people after all the love we had shared, so I slowed down, leaned out of the car, and gave them one last Hawaiian wave as I drove away.
Praise the Lord for such wonderful people!