View Full Version : Endives au gratin (recipe Brabant)

11-20-2012, 03:51 AM
Endives au gratin (recipe Brabant)

Perhaps the most classic recipe of Belgian households. I do not know in fact a cottage where no feasts, usually in winter, chicory au gratin from time to time. The recipes vary somewhat from one home to another, mainly in the production of the sauce, sometimes milk, sometimes based on the juices of chicory collected at the end. A classic recipe, easy and inexpensive ... brelan winner!

Ingredients for two people:

Four ways chicory
+ / - 15 cl juices of chicory
+ / - 15 cl of milk
4 slices of lean ham or bone
1 clove of garlic
20 g butter + 5 ml water (cooking chicory)
2 tablespoons of flour
50g butter (for sauce)
100-150 gr of grated Swiss cheese
Salt, pepper, nutmeg
Preparation of the recipe

Cook and braise the endive in butter and a drop of water. Add minced garlic after the first heat. Salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat, watching. A small stain chicory their very well.
Providing a time égoutage chicory of at least one-half hour (and preferably one hour) so that the water contained therein from disturbing the consistency of the sauce during cooking oven final . (To Mr. Haulot www.brusselstourism.compour of this judicious remark)
Preparing the sauce:
Melt a good knob of butter (50 gr)
Add the flour and mix off the heat.
Pour the drippings in the pan and mix well (with a whisk if necessary)
Return to heat and add the milk.
Caught the sauce, stirring gently
Add + / - 100 gr grated cheese, a little salt and pepper to taste muscader
Spread the slices of ham and roll it chicory.
Place in an earthenware dish and cover with the sauce.
Sprinkle grated cheese dish
Place in an oven pre-heated to 200 ° C and brown for + / - 20 min.
Serve with mashed potatoes or ... place alongside the rolls before baking, potatoes pre-boiled.
Note: The potatoes are bathed in sauce alongside chicory, in my opinion, the most tantalizing formula