View Full Version : Gratin Dauphinois for 4 people

12-14-2012, 04:29 AM
Make a garlic butter with 2 or 3 cloves of garlic 50g butter and looted. Leave the bottom of the dish.
1 kg peeled potatoes, cut into very thin slices (do not wash them they lose their starch)
Arrange in the dish in rows not too tight (so called "tile")
Between each layer, put salt, pepper, grated cheese (3 to 4 layers maximum)
In a bowl, beat 1 egg with 40cl 40cl of milk + cream
Wet gratin with egg cream mixture, the cream layer should cover the potatoes (if not add enough cream milk)
Sprinkle grated gruyere
Place in hot oven (thermostat 7-8) initially then means (thermostat 4-5)
Bake forty minute
Check for doneness with a knife tip if the dish is already cooked golden but not enough to put a sheet of aluminum foil over it to prevent burns that

good appetite

12-14-2012, 04:30 AM
merci pour cette recette