View Full Version : Long game name fix

09-27-2014, 02:23 PM
This is a problem in vbulletin ibproarcade and new games having long names..

Error #011 -> gid=10714|ui[a_sess_gid]=10714|g[gid]=10714|vs[mid]=31|vs[gname]=SummerWarsHiddenObjectsAS3v2cl|gamename=SummerWar sHiddenObjectsAS3v2class

If you look at the error code from above..
Look at the gname and gamename...They have to match or the system thinks your cheating..
The gname is shorter..
To fix this you have to up the limit of the games_session and games_list data base, gname, varchar()..

alter table `games_session` modify `gname` varchar(60) NOT NULL;

alter table `games_list` modify `gname` varchar(60) NOT NULL;


09-16-2016, 01:47 PM
thnx for this fix, great work :)

01-06-2017, 08:33 AM
I do not understand exactly what to do.
Can you please tell me what to do stangger5.

Thank you very much.

01-07-2017, 10:59 PM
You need to run both of those queries from your admincp..

Admincp >> Maintenance >> Execute SQL Query >> Manual Query

01-08-2017, 07:26 AM
Ok thanks stangger.