View Full Version : Chocolate pear tart

03-23-2013, 04:47 AM
For 6 people:
Cocoa paste:
85 gr icing sugar
25 gr almond powder
130 gr of butter
1 pinch of salt
1 packet of vanilla sugar
1 egg at room temperature
195 gr of flour
15 grams of pure cocoa
Cocoa syrup for poached pears:
About 1 liter of water
200 gr of sugar
40 g of pure cocoa
1 orange, cut into large cubes
4 pears (depending on the number of tarts to achieve)
The ganache:
200 grams of dark chocolate
280 gr of cream
80 gr of butter into cubes

Preparation time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Rest: 30 min
Total time: 100 minutes

Chocolate pear tart preparation

1Préparer the dough:
The butter must be cold.
Place all ingredients in food processor with the dough hook and turn to get a nice firm ball.
Film paste and refrigerate 2 hours more.
Preheat oven to 170 degrees.
Butter tart molds - 4 large here. Darken the mold with the dough spread over 3 mm and prick the bottom.
Bake 15 minutes and cool.

2Préparer the poached pears:
Peeling pears leaving the rod.
Mix all ingredients in cocoa syrup (except pears). Boil a good shot and reduce heat. Dip pears so that they are covered. Add a little water if necessary.
Simmer for 10 minutes, remove the pan from the heat. Leave everything as it is cool in the juice.

3Préparer the ganache:
Boil the cream. Pour the chocolate chips (I buy the chocolate directly in the form of balls, easy to measure). Mix well. Add the butter. Submit to need a few seconds the fire, so that the mixture is really smooth.

4Faire Drain pears. Empty core from below with a melon baller. Put them on standing tarts. Fill ganache. Let cool before serving.