View Full Version : Easy Chocolate Mousse

03-28-2013, 12:13 PM

For 4 people:

250g dark chocolate (minimum 75% cocoa)
25 gr of butter
4 eggs


Break the chocolate into small pieces in a bowl.

Heat the bowl in a water bath and allow to melt the chocolate.

Add the melted chocolate butter cut into small cubes.

Break the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.

Beat the egg whites until stiff.

Remove the chocolate / butter mixture melted out of the fire.

Add egg yolks and mix well to obtain a smooth mixture.

Stir with a spatula egg whites beaten stiff in the chocolate mixture. Must add the whites gradually and gently so as not to lose fluffy.

Pour the mousse into individual bowls and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
Bon appetit = -)