View Full Version : Active Members

05-08-2015, 12:51 PM
Hello Stangger5, on my site, you moved the active members up just above game info which is awesome. For some odd reason you cannot click the game the member is playing to play it, you only get the alt info.

I looked at the code and seen the only difference was one line of code.


$this->output .= $this->arcade->active;

Your code:

$user_inarcade .= $this->arcade->active;

I really did not see how that would stop me from clicking the game to play it but hey you never know.
So I changed it to the original code and the active user table was pushed up to the top of the arcade and still was not able to click game image to play the game.
Any thoughts on what would be the issue?

05-08-2015, 06:47 PM
The arcade doesnt come with the link to game..Just game image..

All of that code is pulled from arcade/modules/mod_arcade
//Gets the users active in the arcade and returns the html for it

You need to edit and add code there..

05-08-2015, 08:41 PM
On a 4.4.2 site I am working on links you to the game when you view the active users table.
I have looked at the code three times and is the same as mine except the edit I posted above.
The only edits that were done to his arcade are what is available on the org either in the arcade thread or your profile.
Such edits:
Moved whosonline to the top
Added Latest Arcade Scores like I have and added Full Screen.
He was directed to come here to see about getting other items like I have. I will not share them and will give credit where credit is due.

By the way, where is the link for members to subscribe to download games? I have sent the last 4 site owners of sites I am working on here.

05-09-2015, 01:40 PM
There was a mod or just the edit posted at vb dot org..
I looked but didnt find it..

The arcade comes like this, (arcade/modules/mod_arcade.php)

$span_pre = "<span title='".$ibforums->lang["playing"].$games_names[$gid]."' style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dashed; padding-bottom: 1px;'>";

Need to add these:


$games_names[$g['gid']] = $g['gname'];

Add this below it:

$games_id[$g['gid']] = $g['gid'];


$span_pre = "<span title='".$ibforums->lang["playing"].$games_names[$gid]."' style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dashed; padding-bottom: 1px;'>";

Replace with this:

$span_pre = "<a href={$ibforums->base_url}act=Arcade&do=play&gameid=".$games_id[$gid]."><img src='./arcade/images/".$games_names[$gid]."2.gif' width='20' height='20' hspace='3' vspace='1' align='absmiddle' border='0' alt='Click to Play: ".$games_names[$gid]."' /></a> <span title='".$ibforums->lang["playing"].$games_names[$gid]."' style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dashed; padding-bottom: 1px;'>";

Subscribe to download games:

05-11-2015, 07:52 PM
I see you fixed it no your site..

This edit will be added to the new version of vb ibProArcade..

05-12-2015, 12:21 AM
It will be, did you acquire ibproArcade? I saw you visiting my site with all your great arcade addons. lol
Now I owe you for two edits, I have not forgotten.
I have a few ideas I want to throw at you later on, MM makes my mind come up with some good ideas, lol

Yes, I did but with slightly modified code.
When I tried the code above the thumb with alt game info was still there as well as a missing game image and would not go to game page.
I tried to get the code to work but received a 500 server error, I can post the code I used or if you want,feel free to grab it, your access will never be removed.