View Full Version : Grandma Hilde in the slap-mill

02-01-2017, 01:21 PM
Grandmother Hildegard is in the slap-mill.
Since they no longer run properly, stand and
You can enjoy the wheelchair as fast as possible. One day it is time again. She rides full throttle as the door suddenly opens and Agnes is standing in front of her.
"Do you have your driving license?"
Grandmother Hildegard rummages an old candy paper out of her pocket and shows it to her.
"All right, they can go on."
The ride continues across the corridor, and a door bounces back in front of her, and the demented Elfriede stands before her.
"Your vehicle papers please."
Grandmother Hildegard rummages an old wrinkled chocolate packaging from the
Bag and shows it to her.
"All right, good trip!"
Now grandmother gives everything to the lost
Time to catch up again. She races wildly across the hall. Suddenly, a third door opens and the stupid Juergen stands there with a murder erection.
Grandmother Hildegard groans: "Och nee, not again an alcohol test ...."