View Full Version : A company

02-06-2017, 10:16 AM
A company gets a new boss who is known for its hardness. He does not tolerate anyone who does not give 120% at work and is known to immediately fire workers who do not give anything. On the first day he is guided through the offices and the boss sees a man leaning against the wall in the corridor. All employees can see him and the boss thinks, here he has a good opportunity to show the employees that he will not tolerate laziness. He goes to the man and asks aloud, "How much do you earn in the week?" A bit surprised, the man replies: "300, - EUR a week, why?" The boss takes out his wallet, gives him 600, -EUR, and yells at him with the words: "Ok, here is your wage for two weeks, now HAU AB and never come back!" The boss feels great that he showed everyone that laziness is no longer tolerated and asks the other staff: "Can someone tell me what this lazy sack made here?" With a smile on his face, one of the employees says: "Pizza delivered!"
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