View Full Version : Who Wouldn't Have Wanted One Of These?

06-30-2017, 07:42 PM
Growing up in the 80's was a pretty awesome time for the era.
As a youngster there was always plenty to do outside, but just on rainy days.... Not a lot to keep me occupied inside, until.....
I found a fish n chip takeaways that had a single, lonely looking cabinet in the corner with crazy sounds, flashing lights and a small group of people standing around it watching in excitement, a little dude on the screen running right and left, up ladders, jumping over barrels trying to conquer a big ape.
Man..... What a movement that started LOL!!!

Flash forward 30 - 40 years, no longer do we stand in queues, placing a coin on the cusp of the screen and the dash of an arcade machine, knowing that you have just solidified your turn in the line of others waiting to play what could become, that golden moment in front of eyes that are waiting and watching.
But wow.... Don't some of us just miss that??

Anyways.... Bottom line.....

What I would have done, to have one of these, at that time, at home like this place.
