View Full Version : NLA Game Squads?

07-04-2017, 09:17 PM
Hello all.
With the recent reset of arcade.... I was wondering if the site would approve of the idea.

Just to start off with....

(No member targeting in the Arcade. You are only allowed to take 5 high scores from the same member a day, anymore than that will be considered targeting..
We have over 40,000 games, it shouldn't be to difficult to find other games to play..)
I think this rule is flawed on this site, but seeing as its implemented I see having gaming groups or clans or whatever they be called, would put more challenge to the already challenging arcade.
If it's been a subject before, I apologize for bringing it up again, if not.... How say you?

07-09-2017, 12:46 PM
Thanks for the suggestion but I dont think we need that right now.

07-10-2017, 05:27 AM
After posting and then watching the board, I came to the conclusion that maybe it wouldn't suit the style of game play.
I do thank you for the reply and agree.