View Full Version : Horoscopes for Thursday , April 11th 2019

04-11-2019, 10:25 AM
CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Morgan Lily, 19; Joss Stone, 32; Kelli Garner, 35; Tricia Helfer, 45.

Happy Birthday: Your desire for change will increase. A strategic plan coupled with patience will serve you well when the time is right to move in a new direction. Plan your actions based on your ultimate goal, and take advantage of an opportunity that allows you to incorporate more of what you want to be doing in your everyday routine. Your numbers are 7, 18, 21, 26, 32, 37, 48.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Make a change for the right reason. Don't let your emotions cloud your vision. Work with what's being offered. You will be happy and surprised by the way your day unfolds. Moderation will help you avoid making a mistake. 2 stars

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): An unpredictable pattern may excite you, but don't go overboard. Have a plan in place to accommodate any pitfalls that occur. It's better to be safe than sorry. Follow your heart only if you are positive it won't be broken. 4 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Your impatience and desire to participate will cost you if you are too eager to help someone who is taking advantage of you. Consider how best to deal with situations that are overwhelming, excessive or could end up costing you. 3 stars

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Don't be shy. Say what's on your mind and do what's right. Now is not the time to sit back and let someone else take over. Do whatever it takes to make your life and the world around you better. 3 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): How you deal with others will determine the changes that take place around you. Take care of your responsibilities before you complain or criticize. It's important to show consistency and discipline if you want to be a leader. 3 stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Participate in events that are conducive to mingling with interesting people. Learn from the conversations you have with experts, and share what you learn with people you want to work alongside. Much can be accomplished if you collaborate. 4 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Keep conversations light and positive. If you get into discussions about money, religion or politics, it will lead to regret. Be open-minded and willing to accept others for who they are and what they believe. Physical exercise will help relieve stress. 2 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Don't worry about what you cannot change. Let go of the past and head into the future with optimism, ideas and good intentions. You have far more to gain moving forward than you do looking back or living in the past. 5 stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Make physical activity a priority and keeping busy your goal. Too much idle time or hanging out with people who are indulgent will not end well. Money matters should be handled with care. A problem with a sibling or partner is looming. 3 stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Make a positive change at home or to the way you do your job. Getting along well with others will lead to the support and help needed to reach your goals. Take responsibility for your actions; rewards will follow. 3 stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Someone from your past will surprise you. Attending a reunion or reconnecting on social media with an old friend will bring back memories and prompt you to revisit a goal you have yet to accomplish. An opportunity is heading your way. 3 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Open your door to friends and relatives. Listen to what others have to say to gain valuable information that will help you adjust to the changes that are going on around you. Romance will enrich your personal life. 5 stars

Birthday Baby: You are talented, adaptable and conscientious. You are helpful and generous.