View Full Version : ibProArcade 2.7.6+ Newest Game Thread

09-12-2019, 05:57 PM
This mod makes a new thread when you install a .tar game..
It only works when installing one game at a time..

Step #1
Add this to your admincp/arcade.php file...

Look in the // TAR install code

global $IN, $INFO;

change to:

global $IN, $INFO, $vboptions;

Still in the // TAR install code, now find this code:

$DB->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_list (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")");

Put this right below it:

$DB->query("select g.*, c.c_id, c.password, c.cat_name from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_list as g
left join " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_cats as c on (g.gcat = c.c_id)
ORDER BY g.added DESC LIMIT 1");
$gamea = $DB->fetch_row();

$vbversion = substr($vboptions[templateversion],0,3);
if (($vbversion != "3.0") && ($NATIVEMODE==0))
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ibproarcade_game_added' )) ? eval($hook) : false;

Step ##2
Find this in the includes/xml/hooks_ibproarcade.xml file:


and put this below it:


Step ###3
Import the product-newestgamethread.xml file..

Step #####4
Go into your admincp >> vBulletin Options: IBPro Arcade Thread on newest game

Add: Under which exisiting Username will post the New Thread.

Add: The User ID who makes the Highscore Thread.

Show the thread starters signature. Yes/No

Add: In which Forum will create a new Thread.

Enter the id of the post icon. 0 to show no icon.

Reply Allowed ? (open/close Thread) Yes/No..

Click (Save)..

Step ######5
Now go install a game to see the Thread..

Enjoy !!

09-16-2019, 04:21 AM
We must install game by game - not all games in same time?

Did not see red text ...sorry

09-17-2019, 07:20 AM
Just installed and works fine!

01-03-2021, 03:39 PM
always edit white page and does not detect me in the forum in the new game installed entry the game just installed

01-03-2021, 04:32 PM
correcting found the problem is GlowHost - Spam-O-Matic that does not allow the product to work

01-18-2021, 08:30 AM
hello possible to have the code for php 7.4 ??thank you

01-18-2021, 06:41 PM
To much to list, it would take me a week to get it all.