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  1. There are three turtles on their way to a spring
  2. A poor, believing man prays to God:
  3. There are three men in the jungle. Suddenly they end up in the hands of cannibals.
  4. Sunday morning.
  5. A mother is driving with her 8-year-old daughter in the bus.
  6. Someone goes to hell, faces the devil
  7. God is tired of it and wants the slaughter in the former Yugoslavia.
  8. Two men sit with a German Shepherd in a bar.
  9. Two prison inmates are talking.
  10. "Doctor, my wife is crazy:
  11. After every flight, pilots fill out a form where
  12. A man comes home from a business trip and is happily greeted at the door by his dog:
  13. Anno 1870. Dragoons are quartered in a village
  14. When two friends meet, one asks:
  15. Three gentlemen live on top of each other in the apartment building.
  16. Homme ? une blonde :
  17. A police officer stops a blonde during a traffic stop.
  18. The Meiers take a drive into the blue by car.
  19. I called my urologist - the line just stuttered.
  20. Reality comes to the boss and says: