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  1. Depuis une semaine, une grand-m?re apporte au chauffeur de bus un petit sac en plasti
  2. The Indians
  3. Car buyer
  4. Question
  5. Two little boys sit in the sandpit and play.
  6. Conny comes home from her first party.
  7. Doctor:
  8. On Friday, Lukas is late for class.
  9. A family of mice is hunted by a cat.
  10. In French class the teacher says:
  11. Two dogs met. One says to the other:
  12. A piggy runs past a socket. He asks in astonishment
  13. If two polar bears stand in the desert
  14. What hangs on the wall and shakes hands with everyone
  15. Two toothpicks walk
  16. Two horses watch a horse race.
  17. A mafia boss finds out that he is his
  18. A music student
  19. One night Martin brings his girlfriend home.
  20. What is orange and looks through the keyhole?