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  1. Fritzchen comes from Sunday school.
  2. An older couple is at the cinema.
  3. A man buys a computer.
  4. A man, completely drunk,
  5. A foreigner with poor language skills is employed as an electricity meter reader at R
  6. Once upon a time there was a young man who...
  7. Two Vopos walk along the Spree in midsummer along and watch a windsurfer.
  8. A man walks through the streets of East Berlin and constantly shouts "**** state! Fuc
  9. Fritzchen and Peterchen play at Peterchen's at home William Tell.
  10. A man runs along the river. He stops at a fisherman and asks:
  11. Man at the doctor. "Doctor, I'm in pain in the abdomen,
  12. A 70-year-old woman was arrested for shoplifting arrested.
  13. A Swiss survey company is supposed to do that Explore the nation's image
  14. A man, completely drunk, half asleep at the bar counter - his food in front of him.
  15. Three priests at the gates of heaven.
  16. God created the donkey and said to him: "You you're an ass.
  17. A married couple goes to marriage counseling because...
  18. The production of a farm (a joke from Turkey)
  19. The East Frisian buys a chainsaw.
  20. The boss of a company is looking for a new secretary.